Hola! My name is Joanna, and I am the founder and resident Andalucia expert behind Andalucia in my Pocket. As a long-time resident of the charming seaside town of Fuengirola on the glittering Costa del Sol, I have dedicated the past years of my life to uncovering every hidden gem, local secret, and must-see attraction that makes this captivating corner of southern Spain so utterly extraordinary.

Why Andalucia in my pocket?

Unlike generic travel websites that rewrite information from guidebooks or churn out impersonal, AI-generated content, every article, recommendation, and insider tip on Andalucia in my Pocket is based on my own firsthand experiences exploring this vibrant region. I don’t just skim the surface – I’ve personally tested every restaurant, hotel, activity, and hidden gem that I share with you, my readers, immersing myself in the Andalucian way of life to bring you the most authentic, up-to-date, and valuable travel insights.

From the moment I arrived in Fuengirola in 2018, I started loving Andalucia. As a seasoned traveler who has explored much of the world, I can say with certainty that this sun-drenched region holds a special kind of magic that sets it apart. The rich history, captivating culture, mouthwatering cuisine, and stunning natural landscapes have continually inspired and captivated me, making me want to share  Andalucia’s wonders with the world. It took me 2 years to start this blog, after moving to Fuengirola – time in which I explored all the corners of this beautiful autonomous region.

Over the years, I’ve spent countless hours driving the winding roads through the mountains and on the coast, getting lost in the charming whitewashed towns, and forging deep connections with the warm and welcoming local community. I’ve sampled the finest tapas in the lively plazas of Seville, danced the flamenco in the historic streets of Jerez, marveled at the breathtaking Moorish architecture of the Alhambra in Granada, and hiked through the rugged wilderness of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Each adventure has deepened my love for Andalucia. This is how this blog was born. I wanted to share all of this beauty with the entire world!

As someone who loves road trips, I’ve developed an in depth knowledge of navigating Andalucia’s network of highways, byways, and scenic backroads. I know all the hidden gems, shortcuts, and off-the-beaten-path detours that will allow you to maximize your time and see more of this captivating region. And I’m here to provide you with all the insider tips and practical guidance you need.

Who is joanna?

I never liked talking about me, so forgive this clumsy introduction.

I’m a journalist by profession, with a deep curiosity of finding out stories and facts about our world. This comes in very handy when I research places around Andalucia. I speak Spanish, which is very handy when asking questions and finding hidden gems from the locals I meet during my trips. I always thought that the best way to connect with a place is by talking to the locals, and trying to immerse myself as much as I can in the local culture. Because of my curiosity, my articles on this dear website are special:

– I know where to find the best local food because a local recommended it to me.

– I can recommend you hikes that tourists don’t know about because I chat to people over dinner or lunch, the day before.

– I tell you the best tips and tricks on how to get tickets to sought after monuments because I have local connections who sell them.

Whilst you will find travel guides for the most popular destinations in Andalucia and on Costa del Sol on my blog, my passion sits in the undiscovered inland areas, which are where the soul of the region is. But, from time to time, I also enjoy sitting on the beach in Malaga or Marbella, doing nothing.

Join me on an unforgettable journey through this captivating corner of Spain, and let me show you an Andalucia that few tourists ever get to experience. ¡Vámonos!